CMHA Alberta Working Stronger 2024 Call for Abstracts

The Canadian Mental Health Association is searching for speakers and workshop presenters at Alberta's leading workplace mental health conference.

We invite you to be a part of the extraordinary seventh annual Working Stronger Conference, hosted by the Alberta Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), at the Westin in Edmonton on October 22-23, 2024.

As Alberta's premier workplace mental health conference, Working Stronger offers two immersive days filled with transformative workshops, captivating keynotes, and inspiring stories.  Our goal is to create and sustain mentally healthy workplaces that empower individuals and organizations to thrive.  Join us as we collectively pave the way toward mentally healthy work environments that foster well-being, engagement, and success for all.

This dynamic in-person conference serves as a platform for passionate individuals from all areas of the workforce who are dedicated to advancing mental health within their organizations. Join us alongside senior leaders, frontline employees, union personnel, diversity and inclusion specialists, consultants, occupational health and safety teams, human resource professionals, first responders, and health professionals as we learn, share and grow together.

Working Stronger assembles an exceptional lineup of creative and inspiring mental health speakers, engaging panel discussions, and interactive workshops. You'll hear firsthand stories from individuals living and working with a mental health struggle, gaining valuable insights and inspiration. Through connecting with fellow attendees, you'll discover a wealth of tools, strategies, resources, and support to become influential mental health champions in your workplace.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to be a part of the Working Stronger Conference, where knowledge meets action, and transformation flourishes.


We invite you to embark on a transformative journey from Pixels to Pictures of mental health at work.

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, pixels serve as powerful symbols representing the challenges and complexities we face in our professional lives. But at Working Stronger, we transcend mere pixels, skillfully transforming them into vibrant pictures of organizational psychological well-being. Together, we will create a work environment that is not only safe but also brimming with energy and vitality.

This exclusive event is carefully crafted to empower front-line employees, middle managers, and senior leadership, elevating mental health at every level of your organization. Immerse yourself in the skillful process of turning pixels into pictures, where every stroke and every decision counts. Gain invaluable insights and practical tools to foster mental well-being, master the art of change management, and harness the influential forces of nudge theory. Discover how small shifts and intentional prods can shape a workplace where mental well-being thrives and individuals flourish. Through engaging workshops, thought-provoking discussions, and immersive experiences, Working Stronger will empower you to cultivate a culture of holistic well-being.

Unlock the secrets to transforming pixels into captivating pictures of mental health. Unleash your potential, drive positive change, and be part of a movement that transcends the ordinary, creating extraordinary workplaces where every individual can thrive.

CREATING COLLECTIVE POWER                             

Together, we will unlock the power of collaboration, build bridges of understanding, and cultivate a supportive environment where everyone's voice is heard and valued. By uniting our efforts and embracing every pixel of our organization - known as collective power - we can create a society that nurtures mental well-being, breaks down barriers, and fosters a sense of belonging for all.

Get ready to be inspired, equipped, and empowered as we embark on this transformative journey of creating pictures from mere pixels by harnessing the people within the organization to make change. Join us and be a part of a movement that will shape a brighter and more inclusive future for individuals and communities alike.


Working Stronger: From Pixels to Pictures will feature three conference streams:

1. Front-line Employees

Front-line workers will gain valuable insights to recognize systemic mental health risks in their workplace and skillfully advocate for mental health initiatives and training to their leadership team.  Front-line workers will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to employ strategic approaches that will enable them to champion effective psychological safety practices in their workplace.

Front-line employees will have an opportunity to:

  • Listen to experiences from peers who have identified mental health challenges or occupational stress injuries in their workplace and successfully championed psychological health and safety at work;
  • Aquire practical strategies to identify and tackle mental health issues at work;
  • Learn effective practices to advocate for psychological health and safety initiatives to their workplace leadership; and
  • Develop skills to build resilience, initiate conversations about mental health, and support colleagues.

2. People-leaders

People-leaders, also known as middle managers, will explore the critical role they play in fostering a mentally healthy workplace. Through interactive workshops and engaging discussions, they will learn techniques for promoting work-life balance, supporting their teams' mental well-being, and creating a culture that values open communication and psychological safety. They will also dive into change management strategies that enable them to lead their teams through organizational transitions with empathy and resilience.

People-leaders will have an opportunity to:

  • Engage in interactive sessions promoting work-life balance;
  • Hear from other people leaders who have built engaged and mentally healthy teams;
  • Discuss change management and communication techniques that advance psychological health and safety; and
  • Learn how to support their teams' mental well-being through successful tool and community resources.

 3. Senior leaders

Senior leadership staff will discover the strategic significance of mental health and well-being in the organization. They will gain valuable insights on implementing policies, programs, and resources that prioritize mental health at every level. They will explore how to lead by example, champion mental well-being initiatives, and create an organizational environment where individuals can thrive and reach their full potential. Additionally, they will delve into change management principles and the application of nudge theory to drive sustainable positive change in the workplace culture.

Senior Leaders will have an opportunity to:

  • Learn about policies, programs and resources that create a sustainable organizational mental heatlh strategy;

  • Engage in workshops that demontration championing mental health initiatives;

  • Be inspired by other leaders who have helped individuals reach their full potential at work; and

  • Discuss change management, nudge theory and the skills necessary to enact a psychological health and safety strategy.

Abstracts will be accepted until February 19, 2024

Presenters will be notified if their abstracts have been accepted by February 28th, 2024

NOTE: All presenters are asked to present in person at the Westin Edmonton. Presenters must agree to be paid registrants of the conference. Honoraria is not available for presenters.

Presentation Stream
Please choose the stream that your that relates to your submission

Conference sessions will be offered in a variety of formats:

• Panel or Solo Presentations (60 or 90 minutes)
• Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation: Display space for poster presentations will be offered with a table and chair. Please prepare your poster presentation on a presentation poster board to sit on a table. You are welcome to bring additional flyers/support documentation for handouts.

Please note: Based on the number of presentations we receive, we may have to combine presentations. If your abstract is not accepted, you may have an opportunity to present a poster presentation.

Please choose the presentation format for your submission

Presenter Information

Presenter Name(s):
Mailing Address: (street, town, province, postal code)
Phone: (Office and Cell)

Your Submission

The presenter may submit multiple abstracts for the conference. One submission for each presentation.

Please note: All presenters are asked to present in person at the Westin Edmonton

Title of your Presentation/Poster: (10 words or less) Required

Description of your workshop/presentation/poster for conference program (150 words or less) Required

How does your submission relate to your selected stream? Required

Please provide key points that will be in your PowerPoint or an outline of your presentation.

For In Person: Please provide detail on learning provided, take-away for the participants to use and how you will engage the participants in the session.

Your In-person Presentation Method Details: Your audio visual equipment requirement, supplies such as whiteboards, sticky notes, etc.

Please provide a short biography of each presenter (50 words or less) Required

Presenter #2

Presenter #3

Presenter #4

Presenter(s) may submit multiple abstracts for the conference.

All submissions will be evaluated using the following criteria:

·       Relevance to the conference theme

·       Clarity and coherence of the submission

·       Contribution of knowledge, expertise or best practices

·       Relevance and utility to participants

·       Evidence that submission will encourage interaction among conference participants

·       Key points of presentation and evidence of ‘participant take-away’

Acceptance as a Presenter

·       Please note: presenters must be paid registrants. Honoraria and travel reimbursement are not available. Presenters will receive a $150.00 discount on registration fees.

·       An electronic version of the presentation must be submitted to the event manager shortly before the conference for posting to the CMHA, Alberta Division conference app. 

·       Presenters will be provided with a designated time to present by the conference committee.

Call for Abstracts Opens | September 8, 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline | February 12, 2024
Results Notification | February 28, 2024

A webpage will confirm your submission.
Any questions, contact Sherry Sim, Event Manager at 1-866-655-8548.