Moving Forward Together:
Exploring Pathways to Reconciliation, Healing, and Public Safety

October 6-9, 2024
Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Banff, Alberta

2024 Call for Abstracts

You are cordially invited to submit an abstract to present at the 39th Congress on Criminal Justice. 

This event will be held from October 6-9, 2024 at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity in Banff, Alberta. 

The CCJA Congress is the meeting place for a wide range of stakeholders from Alberta and across Canada.  Make plans to attend this learning and networking opportunity to discuss the most recent research results, share best practices, and create partnerships in various aspects of criminal justice.

This event is expected to attract over 400 participants, exhibitors, and leaders from across the country.  This year, we are hosting the congress in partnership with the Alberta Criminal Justice Association in Banff, Alberta.  This congress offers keynote presentations and a multitude of concurrent sessions and documentaries featuring the best, most promising, and emerging practices in the sector.

The 2024 congress is hosted by the Canadian Criminal Justice Association in partnership with the Alberta Criminal Justice Association, under the theme: 

Moving Forward Together: Exploring Pathways to Reconciliation, Healing, and Public Safety

To facilitate, we will be exploring the following themes and topics:

Reconciliation and Restorative Justice

  •  Applying restorative justice practices

  •  How to heal the harms imposed on Indigenous Peoples over the decades

  •  International best practices

  • Have we overlooked the treatment of Black Canadians?

Pathways to Healing

  • Does one size fit all

  • Identifying pathways toward healing

  • Addressing vicarious trauma

  • Mental health challenges within criminal justice populations

  • Adaptive strategies for elderly and disabled offenders

  • Specialized needs of offenders from minority groups

  • The rising population of women as criminal justice clients

  • Therapeutic jurisprudence

  • Addictions, crime, and public safety

Public Safety and Changing Paradigms

  • Indigenous Policing

  • Racialized data collection: the practice, the challenge

  • Integrating the community as genuine partners in reconciliation

  • Showcasing 3P – Public Private Partnerships

  • Responding to social disorder issues

  • Consequences to policing as a result of anti-police and defund movements.

  • Cancel culture’s impact on sharing diverse pathways forward in the CJS.

  • Media reporting on justice issues – bias and advocacy vs informing and educating the public.

  • Addiction and crime – enabling and assisting the addict and the result on the public safety.

Submission Details:

  • Submissions should provide a brief explanation of the presentation in 150 words or less.

  • Abstracts will be accepted until May 31, 2024.

  • Presenters will be notified if their abstracts have been accepted by June 15 2024.

  • Honoraria, accommodation and travel reimbursement are not available for presenters. A discounted registration rate for the conference will be available to accepted presenters.

Conference sessions will be offered in a variety of formats:

All formats will be expected to provide interactive elements to ensure audience engagement. Note: polling and breakout rooms are an option with our conference platform.

1. Concurrent Sessions:

Concurrent sessions can be in the format of a Panel discussion or workshop presentation.

  •  A panel session will involve a formal discussion between multiple presenters on relevant ideas and topics. Format can include short presentation style or guided QA by a facilitator. Cross institutional/organizational panels are encouraged.

  •  A Workshop presentation provides a platform for presenters to share expertise, and for participants to gain new knowledge and/or a new skill. The presentation will take an interactive approach that will address new programming and completed research, while giving participants a 'hands-on' experience of the subject.

  •  A Question and Answer period would be included and encouraged for your presentation.

2. Scholarly Poster Presentations

A poster session will allow for research results and encouraging breakthroughs to be presented in written and graphic format. Presenters should be available at scheduled times to explain their findings and respond to questions from Congress.

  •  Display space for Poster Presentations will also be offered. Posters should be printed on poster paper that can be tacked onto a poster board stand. Size: 46” x 46”. You are welcome to create additional documentation as handouts to be provided in the delegate bags.

3. Documentaries, short films

The documentaries or short films should seek to inform, share experiences and engage discussions related to the Congress theme and topics of focus.  

Any questions, please contact Sherry Sim, Event Manager at 1-866-655-8548.

About You

Please provide presenter names as you would like them to appear in the conference program:

Presenter Name(s):

Preferred Presentation

Please note: Based on the number of presentations we receive, we may have to combine presentations. If your abstract is not accepted, you may have an opportunity to present a poster presentation. Posters: The committee is limited each poster to one presenter. Include a short biography (max 100 words) for the presenter who will be taking part in the poster display. Proposals that are supported by research and evidence are encouraged, as are those involving lived experience or community-based programming.

Your preferred presentation type is:

Your Preferred Format

Your preferred format: (NOTE: Some presentations may be combined with like presentations)

Conference Streams

Please note: The presenter may submit multiple abstracts for the conference. One submission for each presentation. If your abstract is accepted, we will reach out for your full abstract and your AV/Tech needs.

Please choose the stream that your that relates to your submission

Your Submission

The presenter may submit multiple abstracts for the conference. One submission for each presentation. Please note: Workshops are limited to 4 presenters. The person submitting the proposal is the contact person and will be the only person contacted about the proposal (it will be that person’s responsibility to communicate with others involved).

Title of your Presentation: (no more than 10 words) (Required)

Description of your workshop/presentation/poster: (150 words or less) REQUIRED. This information is used to evaluate your proposal. Please use non-technical, jargon-free language.

Please provide details about the learning objectives for your presentation/poster presentation

Please share how your presentation/poster fits with the theme of the conference: "Moving Forward Together: Exploring Pathways to Reconciliation, Healing, and Public Safety? (150 words or less)

Abstract for conference program. For presentations (50 words or less). For posters (30 words or less). This will be used for all conference advertising material. Please use clear language and ensure that your description accurately reflects the content that will be delivered.

CONCURRENT SESSIONS ONLY: It is important for all sessions to be interactive and encourage participation among attendees. Please describe how you will engage the audience and how much time will be allotted for audience participation, giving concrete examples (150 words or less).

CONCURRENT SESSIONS ONLY: Presenters are encouraged to include a lived experience component or perspective where relevant. Please describe.

CONCURRENT SESSIONS ONLY: Audio Visual Equipment: All audio-visual equipment must be ordered in advance. Please specify the audio-visual equipment that you will need for your presentation.

Please provide a short biography of each presenter (50-60 words or less) with the first presenter bio below and then using the presenter options below for additional presenters.

Presenter #2 Email, Role and Bio

Presenter #3 Email, Role and Bio

Presenter #4 Email, Role and Bio


Note: Proposals will be selected to ensure a varied program

The 500-word description will be the basis for selecting the proposals. All proposals will be independently rated by a selection panel based on:
• Clarity and quality of the description
• Alignment with the conference theme
• Strategies for audience engagement
• Relevance to the category(ies) of audience(s) identified
• Presentations that offer participants information/resources that can be put into practice

The 300-word description will be the basis for selecting the posters that will be presented. All evaluations will be based on the following criteria:
• Presentations that best fit the conference theme will be given preference.
• Clarity of learning objectives and quality of description.
• Poster presentations that offer participants information/resources that can be put into practice.

• Presenters must register for the conference. Honoraria and travel reimbursement are not available; however, we are exploring bursaries for presenters (youth/caregivers/parents) with lived experience. There will be a reduced conference fee for youth and parents/caregivers.
• Presenters will be asked to submit an electronic version of their presentation two weeks prior to the conference.
• Recordings and/or slides of the presentations may be made available to conference delegates following the conference.
• Presenters are encouraged to provide responsible for providing written material to conference participants.
• Presenters will be provided with a designated time to present by the conference committee.
• All presenters are required to register and pay the conference fee for a minimum of one day.
• Workshop presenters whose proposals are accepted are required to submit electronic handouts for distribution. All handouts will be posted to CMHO’s website after the conference.

Thank you for your submission.
Any questions, please contact Sherry Sim, Event Manager at 1-866-655-8548 or 416-605-5975

Logo by LIVIA MANYWOUNDS of the Tsuut’inaNation Police Service

The florals resemble the Cree poeple as they often use florals within their design patterns to identify their family, unique self or other related explanations.  The four geometric design resembles the Tsuut'ina people (Dene) as they use geometrics withing their traditional design pattrns usually reflecting the landscape they call home or traditional family designs.  The mountains resemble the Stoney Nakoda people as they live near the mountains.  The cross symbolizes the North Star (spiritual guidance) and the four dots are fallen stars (aka shooting stars), both symbols are a reflection of the Blackfoot people.  The Buffalo and track symbolize all Indigenous people, the resilience and strength carried forth.  As a Buffalo pushes through a storm, we embody the same spirit.  The pipe symbolizes peace and unity.  The four feathers for all relations (First Nation, Inuit, and Metis including non-indigenous) in the four directions.  The logo overall is a representation of Indigneous people that reside within the province of Alberta.  Symbols that all share their own stories passed down from generations from ancestors that obtained these symbols from visions, dreams and spirit.  This loog is an interpretation based on the artist's inspired creative viewpoint.